
Noel E. Aņeses  A Puerto Rico licensed architect (license 8695) and member of the Puerto Rico Architects and Landscape Architects College with more than twenty years of experience in design and development of commercial, institutional, industrial, and residential projects. Well knowledgeable in permit and endorsement procedures by local and federal government agencies. Specializes in space planning, adaptive reuse, and project build ability.


Jose  R. Caballero Mercado P.E. Former Puerto Rico Planning Board President. Puerto Rico licensed engineer (license C5518) and member  of the Puerto Rico Planning College Member, Lic. Num. 250 . Has thirty nine years of diversify professional experience.  His scope of works range from civil engineer design to supervising directing the main regulating authority of Puerto Rico.  Highly organized Project Manager with a Thought Knowledge of permitting process and government structure.  Personal  direct Knowledge of the construction industry characteristics  and main developers and builders.


Key Staff ->